"SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!": Why subscribe to Chompsky?
Changing power and pop culture could change everything.
Since moving to Substack and beginning the Media Reform Coalition’s Friday blog, I’ve gained a wave of new subscribers to Chompsky. Hello!
Whether you’re here because you’re a Chomsky stan, a pop culture nerd, or an alt-right researcher documenting the rising scourge of SJW’s ravaging the globe, you’re very welcome.
You’re now part of a community of media activists! How does it feel?!
Chompsky is a publication for people who want a better culture industry (and everything that entails) by media activist, documentary nerd, and writer of this sentence, Eliz Mizon. My aim is not simply to sit at the sidelines critiquing pop culture (although, SUCH fun) but to gather resources for myself and others to make lasting change. And feed my gif addiction.
If you want access to activism resources and updates, or just to support this work, you can subscribe to Chompsky’s paid tier for only £5 ($7) a month.
I write about anything and everything at the intersection of power and pop culture because pop culture, and the power it wields, has transformed into something entirely new. In the digital age, pop culture has both collapsed and expanded: commercial control has consolidated at the same time as accessibility has increased. There are more and more ways for your Average Joey to engage with culture, and fewer and fewer options to ensure security, agency, and privacy.
And as culture expands digitally, it connects to and impacts us in ever more ways: finance, relationships, mental health, the environment…
Okay, so far so champagne socialist manifesto, mate. What does a ‘better media industry’ mean?
independent regulation of news, and big tech platforms as public forums (i.e. ensuring data privacy, accountability, curbing misinformation, etc.)
funding models that improve the representation and quality of news, and ensure greater coverage of public interest stories and investigations
improved rights and contracts for workers across journalism/TV/film/publishing/tech etc.
diverse leadership, hiring, funding, and coverage
an end to press intrusion into people’s private lives and to racist/misogynistic/xenophobic/classist and other oppressive rhetoric
What will subscribing get me?
All of you free-tier subscribers already have access to one article per week, safe in the knowledge that free weekly article will be informative, funny, delicious, tear-jerkingly beautiful, and spiritually nourishing.
However, you can support by subscribing for just £5 [$7] per month or £50 [$70] annually, which also gives you access to:
all my articles/interviews/resource updates about politics, pop culture, and activism (usually 2/week, sometimes more!)
a weekly Friday newsletter (see an example) containing:
a round-up of the week’s media industry news
campaigns and ways you can contribute to creating a better media
links to the best cultural & political content from around the web
monthly AMA’s with Eliz
a request line for articles, if there’s something you want me to write about
the ability to pitch and write articles for Chompsky yourself!
commenting rights
Hello Eliz, I have just become your latest subscriber. I have an article about the Liberalism Inc conference that may be of interest to you: https://www.campain.org/post/great-event-on-the-guardian-but-misses-vital-punch-line. Could you please call me straight back about it. Jonathan Coulter, London Borough of Bromley: 0208 402 0217, 07843 383259